evad dc charging pile car monitoring adapter box ——ac load bank丨dc load bank丨ac power source丨dc power sourc0e丨400hz programmable ac / dc power-大发电子平台游戏官网


charging pile test plan

on-site verification of evd1000d dc charging pile

evad dc charging pile car monitoring adapter box


◆ the equipment adopts the design of mobile portable case, which can meet the requirements of laboratory and various field tests at the same time。
◆ the device is equipped with a 250a standard charging gun socket or a european standard 200a charging stand。
◆ it can realize the simulation of the vehicle dc charging interface circuit, with the on-off function of the dc , dc-, pe, s , s-, cc1, cc2, a , a- and other pin connections。
◆ with 4mm standard safety interface, it can realize the collection of various signals and the collection of signals on both sides of the switch。
◆ the device has r4 connection confirmation, the resistance adjustment range is 100ω~32000ω, the adjustment step is 1ω, and the resistance value can be adjusted manually or through the host computer as required。
◆ the upper computer software of the equipment has r4 resistance resistance value display and setting function, which can view and set the resistance value of r4 resistance in real time, and adjust it in real time through remote communication。
◆ the upper computer software of the equipment has display functions such as a /a- voltage, cc1 voltage, cc2 voltage, charging voltage, battery voltage, dc /dc- current, etc. the current voltage value and current value can be displayed in real time during the test。
◆ the device has a simulation function of the pull-up voltage u2 at the detection point 2, which can simulate the voltage value of the pull-up voltage u2 at the detection point 2。
◆ the device is equipped with a built-in high-precision current hall sensor, which can realize current signal collection of up to 300a, and can directly realize current collection through external mining equipment。
◆ the device has a built-in battery voltage simulator, which can realize the simulation function of the battery pack terminal voltage。
◆ the device has a load access interface, which can realize the access of resistive load mode, dc feedback load, battery load mode and mixed load mode, and cooperate with other equipment to meet the requirements of charging pile interoperability testing。
◆ the equipment is equipped with an emergency stop button, which cuts off all circuits at the first time to ensure the safety of people and equipment。
◆ the rear panel of the device is equipped with a 232c communication interface, through which the communication information interaction between the vehicle and the charging pile and the charging interface can be realized。
◆ the remote control function of the simulator。
◆ the equipment is equipped with remote control software to realize the control and parameter configuration functions of all equipment parameters during the loading process。
◆ the equipment has interoperability related equipment, battery wiring simulation, positive and negative connection, dc dc-leakage resistance setting simulation, and soc automatic increase simulation。
◆ the device is equipped with can message analysis and can translate bms messages into chinese, which is easy to view and understand。
◆ the communication consistency test of the equipment to the charging pile, and has the function of outputting an analysis report。
◆ statistics of average period, number of transmissions, maximum period and minimum period of various types of messages。
◆ equipped with rs232 and rs485 communication interfaces, which can directly communicate with pc online。
◆ equipped with gps receiving module, with time synchronization function and precise and accurate timing function。
◆ equipped with a high-precision temperature and humidity sensor, which is convenient for correcting the influence of the environmental temperature and humidity error of the charging pile being checked。
◆ dc voltage and current accuracy: 0.05%。
◆ built-in battery power supply without external ac 220v50hz power supply。

evd1000d dc charging pile site verification device

dc voltage measurement

measurement limit


measuring range


measurement accuracy


measurement resolution


dc current measurement

measurement limit


measuring range


measurement accuracy


measurement resolution


power measurement

dc power measurement accuracy


energy measurement

dc power measurement accuracy


phase measurement

phase measurement range


phase measurement accuracy


phase measurement points


ripple measurement

measurement accuracy




daily timing pulse input

clock frequency (hz) setting range: 0.01-50,000.00

setting range of calibration laps: 1-999,999,999

the highest received pulse frequency is 50khz

gps time synchronization accuracy

clock accuracy: ±0.2ppm

temperature and humidity measurement

temperature measurement range


temperature measurement accuracy


temperature measurement resolution


humidity measurement range


humidity measurement accuracy


humidity measurement resolution


atmospheric pressure measurement

atmospheric pressure measurement range


relative accuracy of atmospheric pressure measurement


absolute accuracy of atmospheric pressure measurement

